Our Activities

To work for ensuring that basic human rights are respected everywhere.

To recognize democratic institutions as a fundamental human right.

To work towards the sovereignty and self determination of entities with historical, cultural and ecological identity.

To restrict cooperation with governing regimes that violate human rights.

To actively engage with the government of India and other countries to promote human rights education.

To bring diplomatic and commercial pressures on regimes that violate human rights, to ensure that they respect the basic rights of their citizens.

To develop a more distinctive and effective role for the international court of justice in the field of human rights.

To promote a culture for educating the citizenry that cultivation and promotion of human rights culture is the sine gua non for the smooth functioning of the organs of a democratic state and for the kind of development that results into overall development of the society.

To train the young men and women for facing the challenges of the pluralistic society and the rising conflicts and tensions in the name of particularistic loyalties to caste, religion and culture.

To study the effects of draconian laws and unlawful use of state’s machinery and force by the enforcement agencies.

To help stop legal social and economic discrimination against women and their exploitation in defferent ways.

To promote human rights education as a catalyst in bringing out attitudinal and social change among the management of fire works, glass, stone crushing and related industries for reducing the prevalence of child labour in these and other hazardous industries to zero.

To create an environment as well as an understanding that human rights can easily become vulnerable to abuse of various structures and processes of power.

To ensure comprehensiveness and incorporation of national, regional and international perspectives related to human rights.

To study the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspective on human rights.

To examine the inter-dependence of and linkages between human rights and democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace and harmony at the national and international levels.

To study the historical context, colonialism and post colonialism, post Independence national development , protection regime especially for the weak and marginalised groups including minorities and for women and children.

To work against intra – social violation of rights of the poor and weak by the dominant groups.

To effectively work for reducing gender inequalities, exploitations and injustices.

To provide legal aid and advice for the indigent and weaker sections of the society.

To work in close co-operation with national human rights commission and other statutory commission on women, minorities, SC and ST and linguistic minorities, NGOs and media organizations for promoting human rights education.

To study the texts, treaties, arrangements and structures innovated by the international community in the post world war period for the protection of human rights, effect of world war on the status and functioning of various and institutions and structures organized for promotion and protection of human rights.

To aid in organiging conferences, seminars, meetings, discussions, debates, study courses, collection of statistics, exhibitions, shows, tour trips etc.

To publish books, encyclopaedias, monographs, journals and directories on human rights.